How to advertise books on Reddit.

Don’t screw it up!

Advertising on Reddit can be a true nightmare. One wrong move and you’ll get brigaded with 1-star reviews, personal attacks, death threats in your email, and probably worse. That said, I’ve made thousands advertising my books on Reddit. How did I do it? Let’s dive in.

Step 1: find subreddits in your genre. No, r/books is not in your genre. Avoid any subreddit with 100,000+ subscribers. You’re just white noise there. A waste of time. Find smaller, niche-focused communities like r/litrpg or r/haremfantasynovels. Millions of subreddits exist, so you can certainly find your niche. And you can also look at non-book subreddits. Wrote something about a parrot? Try r/parrots or something similar. You get the idea.

Step 2: follow the damn rules. I cannot stress that enough. Read, understand, and read them again. Follow them meticulously. Almost every single subreddit has a very strict no ads policy. Follow it!!! Posting a billboard for your book in a subreddit that disallows ads is about as good as sawing off your foot with an old knife.

Step 3: participate in the community. Join discussions. Actively comment and offer useful insight. A stranger will not be able to market at all. A familiar / respected name will.

Step 4: look for specific self-promotion threads. Find out when they go live. Many subreddits have weekly or monthly self-promotion threads. Drop your links in there, but only when the thread is fresh. If it already has 5+ comments, don’t waste your time.

Step 5: as you follow step 3 and develop a name and reputation in the community, you’ll come across posts looking for your exact kind of content. DO NOT SHILL YOUR BOOKS IN THE COMMENTS. Don’t be that guy. Instead, message the person asking for a recommendation to offer them a FREE copy of your loss leader (from Bookfunnel) and list the reasons your book matches their interests. The goal is to create a fan organically, not pressure someone into clicking a link and then forgetting about you.

Step 6: always use “Old Reddit” instead of the new redesign. It is just 1000% better. 10,000% better. Infinitely better. And NEVER use the Reddit app.

There you have it. My tried and true guide to making thousands of sales on Reddit. If you put in the time and effort, it works. If you skip step 3, it backfires horribly. Cheers!

Social Media for Authors


I can't tell you how many older authors I've met who have no clue how to use social media. Many of them simply forgo the entire process and never create accounts. Just take the time to learn your platforms. Any social media platform can be learned in a day or less.


Tweeting about your book constantly is about as good as placing pop-up ads with flashing lights in comic sans on your website. In other words, it actually makes people hate you. Do not do that.


Firstly, you should use social media. Get on Facebook (make an author page), make a Goodreads account as an author, and get a Twitter. Instagram is great for a few genres as well, namely poetry and romance. Obviously, more platforms can't really hurt if you use them correctly, so make accounts pretty much everywhere. Figure out where your typical fan hangs out on social media, and master that platform.

Once you have your platforms under control, there are programs out there to help you streamline them and link them together so one post goes everywhere, increasing visibility. HootSuite is a decent one I know a lot of people use. Check it out. And I’m sure there are more. Use whichever service suits you the best.

Now that you have the basics under control, what do you post? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't spam your book every chance you get. What authors want to gain from social media is this: visibility, recognition, and impressions. How often have you taken a picture of a billboard outside and posted it to your Facebook? I really hope the answer is never or very close to never. So when you tweet / post things that are just billboards for your books, no one interacts with them. No one shares those. You don't make impressions or gain visibility. In fact, you alienate people. No one likes ads. Ever notice any sidebar or header ads on this website? Nope. I hate ads too.


Firstly, and you'll see this advice everywhere, be yourself. Post things you are interested in. See a cool article on your favorite sports team? Share it. Have a music video you love? Share it too. Have a wealth of funny jokes rotting in your brain? Tweet them out. Are you good at cosplay? Post your pictures all around. No one wants to feel like you are trying to get them to buy something, even if you are. What authors should focus on is developing a following related to their book ventures, but not directly tied to it. 

How do you do that? It actually isn't that hard. Make posts relative to your content area. Do you write horror? Tweet your favorite horror movies. Tweet articles about horror. Tweet horror art. Build up a following of people interested in your genre, and then when those people find out you've written a book, they will be interested because they already respect you as an online entity.

Do you write fantasy? The same thing applies. Make posts about fantasy you enjoy. Share awesome fantasy art from all over the web. Grow your followers through your passion.


Once you have an established base of people who enjoy certain content from you, tweet about your book only when it is relevant. Don't just post a static link to your Amazon page. That harkens back to a bad billboard. What is relevant? Post when you have a sale. Post when you have a contest running on your website. Tweet new concept art for an upcoming book cover. That kind of thing. Don't just spam people with your links when nothing special is going on or you'll erode the base you worked hard to build. 

An author on a social media marketing panel I took part in once said only 25% of your tweets should be related to your books. I would argue to make it somewhere around 10%. People simply don't want to see that kind of thing. Think about it this way: if you were a reader in your genre, what kind of stuff would you like to see from an author? Not ads, that’s for certain.


This one gets a lot of debate. Posting reviews is something every reader should do, author or not. But what if you hated a book? A lot of people say to not post negative reviews as an author. That’s generally good advice. Getting into a flame war with another author cannot win you any sales. On the reverse, to me, posting only good reviews is disingenuous. It feels fake and flaky. I have opinions and I have no problems backing them up. But again, that's my style. That image might not work for everyone. I won’t shy away from leaving a bad review on a book from a major publisher, but if the book is indie, I typically won’t go below 3 stars. If I feel it deserves less, I simply do not review it.

This post isn't meant to be an end-all guide to social media, just what I've learned over the years. Have your own advice? Post it in the comments. I'd love to see more / other perspectives.

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