A Video Guide to eBook Marketing - Learn the Basics

Get off on the right foot.

Marketing on Reddit

Learn how to do it right before you get brigaded.

Looking for pros? My personal recommendations for editors, formatters, and cover designers.

Get it all done right—the first time!

The Ultimate Publishing Checklist.

This one has it all. From self-pub to small press and beyond. Read it.

Tips for Querying Small Presses.

Stem the tide of rejections. Survive the slush pile. Sign a contract!

The best actionable, concise writing tips on the entire internet.

Read that article, but then check out all the links below it. If you follow that advice, your writing will improve dramatically.

Struggling to get enough content? Read this.

Nine published authors share their best 2 - 3 sentence tips for banging out content at a rapid pace.

A short video guide on making eye-catching Facebook (and other) ads.

Check out where to get free stock images and all that cool stuff.

Learn the differences between the types of editing and how much you should be paying for them.

Line editing, developmental, copy editing, and proofreading. There are a lot of terms when it comes to editing, and this article will teach you what you need to know about them all.

The most common mistakes to avoid in your writing and editing.

I’ve read (and edited) tons of indie manuscripts. Avoid the common errors. Learn how to write.

How to write plot without dumping exposition—a brief guide.

I see this mistake in indie writing all the time. Lots of exposition. Paragraph after paragraph of an author handing the entire plot to a reader on a delicate McDonald’s tray. Don’t do it!

How to “write to market” explained simply.

You’ve probably seen the term used all over the internet. It works. It works extremely well. Here’s how to do it.

A list of basic misconceptions surrounding self-publishing and how to avoid them.

Avoid the most common pitfalls and get off on the right path.

Book Launches!

Everything you need to know about launching your book with style - and sales!

Want to master your Amazon ads?

Well you should want to. This guide should help you get there. And there's no fluffy bullshit like all the other guides written by other people. You know why you want them to work, you know what they are... now do it.

Building the perfect ad stack.

Which sites should you book? Where should you promote your novel? Here is the answer!

Make sure your blurb is perfect!

Blurb writing is an art form. A very difficult, frustrating, painful art form. Here's the terrifying part: the blurb will sell hundreds of books for you. Or it will ruin every marketing effort you make. Write wisely.

Now that your blurb is perfect, format it!

Add some keywords, make some stuff bold, and crush that blurb!

How to sell more books: part 1.

This is a solid foundation for book sales. Without the basics of book marketing, you will find success to be very elusive.

How to sell more books: part 2.

Want more details? Check it out.

What should I take to conventions?

Swag here! Get your author swag here!

Does genre dictate success?

Finally, the age old question is answered.

A few notes on editors and editing.

Just a couple thoughts on using 'track changes' vs. comments as well as a rant about the word 'this' being used in indie writing.

Working with full time pro editors vs. amateurs.

The main reasons why going with a full time pro editor is just a requirement for those of us in the writing world.

A few thoughts on writing guns into your books.

Learn the basics of writing convincing scenes with firearms and body armor. Plus, learn the common mistakes author and movies make and how to avoid them.

Traditional, Self Publishing, Small Press = Know the Differences before you choose.

Why should you choose to self publish? Why should you choose a small press? I break down the pros and cons of the 3 major options available to authors.

Looking for some NaNoWriMo tips and tricks? Check it out!

I've completed NaNo 4 times now, always doing the full 50k word goal. How do I do it? Wouldn't you like to know...

Social Media for Authors.

Figure out how to tweet before you start doing it. Build up a following. Gain some online street-cred.

Want more? Check out this book.

Full disclosure: I did not write this book nor do I receive any benefit whatsoever by promoting it. I do know the author and I have read the book. It is well worth the time and money.



Have some advice of your own? Shoot me an email and I'll put up a link to your own blog with author-oriented marketing advice.